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  • Writer's pictureGudrun Frerichs


When I started writing BEYOND THE TREE HOUSE last year, the world was a very different place from today. I find it hard to celebrate the release when so many people all over the world are affected by this horrible pandemic. You'll find I have all my books reduced to $0.99 until the 20th of April as a small way of how I can help people to find a worthwhile distraction.

It's hard to stay positive when we are bombarded right, left, and center by news of tragedy and hardship. I cope with that by trying to work (write) as much as I can, reading books that are sitting on my kindle waiting for me and watching TV.

It's good to remember that these are difficult times. Not only the constant stream of disastrous news but also the fact that the isolation from friends and family puts huge stress on us. And I say that as a born hermit: even the most introverted people need another person in their lives. We are social beings and isolation is hard on our mental and physical being. The classic Harlow study from 1965 shows the importance of social contact. It's a matter of life and death for infants, but adults need caring connections and a caring touch too or they struggle.

So go easy on yourself and stay safe. Be kind. Save lives!

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